As of right now, Richard III tickets are available from the Dukes' box office. So now, that day in September which you've kept resolutely free can finally be filled in.
So, here's how to get them. You can phone the Dukes on 01524 598 500. You can email the Dukes, at You should also be able to order them direct from the website, here. So there you are - time's a-wasting.

Finally, a spot of mildly undignified begging. Richard III is going to be a stonking show. It's humming with energy even in rehearsal, and everyone involved is terribly excited. It is also important for another reason - it's BDTC's first independent show. This is a big deal - if it isn't a success, then it doesn't matter how good it is, BDTC will have a hell of a time getting our next show off the ground, and that would be a terrible shame. Really. You should hear some of the ideas we've got...

So please, support Bingo Dragon. We'd love to be doing this for years and years to come; making top quality, high energy, thrilling classical theatre and White Knuckle Shakespeare, but if we don't sell Richard III, that won't happen. But help us to make Richard a success, and we promise to keep bringing you our very best work for years & years to come.

- Paul S. (Director)